Unlock the power of Pricing on Amazon
Profit and Loss optimization powered by Machine Learning
How It Works
1. Analyze
Analyze the impact of historical prices on Profit and Loss performance
2. Train
Apply Machine Learning to understand pricing trends and market dynamics
3. Predict
Predict top performing prices for confident Profit and Loss optimization
  • 1. Analyze
    Holocene looks at how past sales, competition, advertising, production costs, and seasonal trends affect your profits and losses.
  • 2. Train
    Past data goes into the algorithm that finds trends, events, and how prices affect shifts in market demand.
  • 3. Predict
    With the daily infusion of new data, the algorithm continually refines its predictive model, enabling the application of prices that reliably enhance profit and loss outcomes.

Different prices. Different performance

Analyze numbers with rigour.
Take actions with confidence.
Traditional profit and loss (P&L) statements focus on overall figures, while unit economics look at individual products. But on Amazon, where things change very fast, the real clues to improving your financial results lie in understanding pricing. Machine learning algorithms can give you deeper insights into how pricing affects your financial performance.

Pic: Profit optimization scenario

Traditional Profit and Loss statement:

Shows the average price for products over a reporting period. Revenue, costs, and profits, all based on average prices.

Enhanced Profit and Loss statement:

Highlights the best-performing price for a product. This version points out how adjusting prices improved revenue, reduced costs, or increased profits compared to the traditional approach.

Optimize with Machine Learning

Analyze numbers with rigour.
Take actions with confidence.
Machine Learning leverages algorithms and statistical models to analyze and interpret patterns in data, thereby learning and adapting over time. As the volume of data input into these algorithms increases, their accuracy in predicting pricing outcomes improves, leading to more reliable forecasts.
Sales insights
Get clearer insights with detailed product analysis:
  • Access all current products
  • Examine data from the last six months
  • Identify your best-selling products
  • Detect any profitability problems
  • Recognize seasonal trends
  • Compare pricing with revenue performance
Price confidence
Learn how price changes affect sales:
  • See average sales for different prices
  • Identify the most successful prices
  • Make changes to improve sales patterns
Become sure of your pricing strategy:
  • Review all prices you’ve tried
  • Look at how much you sold at each price
  • Gauge how reliable each price is for sales
Profit & Loss
Understand your profit and loss for each product:
  • Check your profits and losses at various prices
  • Make adjustments using data insights
  • Grow more certain about your prices every day
Make smarter profit and loss choices:
  • Use Machine Learning for better decisions
  • Determine how sure you can be about prices
  • Use stats to back up your pricing choices
  • Confirm that your pricing decisions are right

Find your use case
There's no one-size-fits-all in Pricing
Navigate all pricing related information on a single dashboard
Find the optimal price to sell out all inventory by a specific date
Find the optimal price that generates the highest daily profit
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